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Lactation Consultant

Our qualified lactation consultants and breastfeeding counsellors provide you with support in the following situations:

  • Prenatal education and support
  • Premature babies
  • Twins and more
  • Breastfeeding babies with special needs
  • Breast and nipple problems
  • Dealing with oversupply
  • Low milk supply
  • Positioning and attachment
  • Sore nipples/breasts
  • Strategies for returning to work or study
  • Sleep and settling
  • Colic, reflux and unsettled babies
  • Jaundiced or sleepy babies
  • Questions about medications and breastfeeding
  • Weaning
  • Breastfeeding during pregnancy and beyond
  • Breastfeeding the second time around


Drop-in Day

Our Drop-in Day is Wednesday.  You are welcome to use the normal centre facilities on this day – nappy changing, bottle warming or just a warm place to feed your baby – however, we also have a lactation consultant, midwife or breastfeeding counsellor available to provide lactation support and help with general breastfeeding and parenting questions. No appointment required.


What to expect on Drop in Day

These services are offered in a group setting.  If your problem is more complicated we may recommend you see an LC for a one-to-one appointment.

You are welcome to bring your support people with you to the drop in centre – sometimes it helps to have everyone on the same page.

Feel free to feed your baby when he/she wishes.  Don’t hold off from a feed until you can get to the centre, we find babies are generally happy to feed at some point while you are with us.

It might help to bring along your baby’s green health record so that you don’t have to remember things that may help us get a complete picture of how things have been going in terms of weight gains and growth.

If you are supplementing, please bring expressed breast milk (ebm), formula and bottles or SNS. Bring any breastfeeding aides you use for a feed – nipple shields, pillows etc.

Wear comfortable clothes.

You are welcome to bring your other children if necessary.


Need help on another day?

If you need to see a lactation consultant on another day or prefer to see somebody in a private setting – please ring South West Health Care’s Infant Feeding Support Clinic on (03) 5564 4363 or 0419377803. You can also call the Australian Breastfeeding Association’s Helpline – 1800 mum 2 mum (1800 686 268).